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records: 1692837
collections: 92
data nodes: 25

last updated:
2016-08-08 21:48:12

PolBIN Database

Database Statistics

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Statistics by Collections

Name     Group by Institutions and Nodes Records Coordinates Genera Species
Alien Species in Poland - Animals
Institute of Nature Conservation 171 171 55 61
Alien Species in Poland - Plants
Institute of Nature Conservation 61 61 41 61
Amphibia Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Museum and Institute of Zoology 356 0 18 30
Amphibian observations from Nida Valley
Białowieża National Park 1735 1735 7 12
Aphidoidea Collection
Museum and Institute of Zoology 8419 0 250 1126
Araneae Collection
Museum and Institute of Zoology 10098 0 23 55
Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Poland
Institute of Nature Conservation 3752 3752 14 27
Aves Collection of Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals
Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals 7320 0 481 983
Bats of Poland
Association for Nature WOLF 908 907 8 18
Bird Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Museum and Institute of Zoology 42570 0 2018 7444
Birds of Cisna Community (southern Poland)
Institute of Nature Conservation 1046 1046 58 83
Bisons Collection
Mammal Research Institute 743 743 1 1
Bumblebees, cuckoobees and butterflies in southern Poland
Institute of Nature Conservation 10149 10149 50 114
Carabidae of Poland
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 9640 401 28 86
Carabidae of the Carpathians
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 19619 4510 44 143
Carabidae of the Tatra Mts.
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 2513 2513 24 84
Carabidae of Wales and England
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 749 749 21 50
Carpatica Operation
Institute of Nature Conservation 39975 39975 58 99
Chrysomelidae of Poland
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 2168 2168 40 128
Chrysomelidae of the Carpathians
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 11351 11351 60 192
Coleoptera Collection
Warsaw Agricultural University - Department of Forest Protection and Ecology 2034 1587 172 353
Coleoptera of Białowieża Forest
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 5833 4487 1019 3078
Coleoptera of Biebrza National Park
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 1236 1236 267 423
Coleoptera of Kozienice Forest
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 1516 1481 219 326
Coleoptera of Piska Forest
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 5709 5709 368 627
Coleoptera of Swierklaniec Forest
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 511 511 173 243
Coleoptera of Tuchola Forest and Tuchola Forest National Park
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 969 969 189 287
Collection of Coleoptera
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 17114 13955 268 1008
Collection of Heteroptera
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 1284 217 42 182
Collection of Hymenoptera
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 7169 1704 18 328
Collection of Industrial Microorganisms
Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology 603 0 46 102
Collembola Collection
Museum and Institute of Zoology 3918 0 77 173
Curculionoidea of Poland
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 52564 16378 133 414
Diptera Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Museum and Institute of Zoology 4185 0 78 530
Eriophyoid Mites of Poland
Warsaw Agricultural University - Department of Applied Entomology 2324 0 52 338
European bison in Białowieża Primary Forest
Białowieża National Park 83 0 1 1
Faunal Inventory of Morysin Nature Reserve
University of Warsaw - Department of Ecology (National Node) 3204 3204 25 34
Flora of Słowiński National Park, Poland
University of Wrocław - Faculty of Natural Sciences 9088 9088 274 544
Flora of the Stołowe Mts.
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 48769 48769 374 803
Fungi Collection
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 1900 1898 210 468
Fungi of Słowiński National Park, Poland
University of Wrocław - Faculty of Natural Sciences 286 286 9 31
Herbarium BSG Bryophyta
University of Warsaw - Białowieża Geobotanical Station 2450 0 80 197
Herbarium BSG Hepaticopsida
University of Warsaw - Białowieża Geobotanical Station 148 0 26 36
Herbarium BSG Lichenes
University of Warsaw - Białowieża Geobotanical Station 1793 0 61 229
Herbarium BSG Vascular Plants
University of Warsaw - Białowieża Geobotanical Station 17327 0 486 1061
Herbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute) - Lichens
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 249 245 13 38
Herbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute) - Plants
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 19451 18590 266 700
Herbarium of University of Białystok - Vascular Plants
University of Białystok - Institute of Biology 998 872 334 558
Herbarium WRSL, Flora of the Silesia
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 4578 0 86 327
Herbarium WRSL, Lichens Collection
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 8600 5009 214 1216
Herbarium WRSL, Main Collection
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 4567 0 116 1033
Hosted Invertebrate Collection 01
University of Warsaw - Department of Ecology (National Node) 2576 0 214 367
Insect Collection (CeStuBio)
University of Opole - Department of Biosystematics 1238 1238 224 380
Insect Collection from New Caledonia
University of Wrocław - Museum of Natural History 444 328 40 64
Institute of Dendrology PAS, Flora of Sudety Mountains
Institute of Dendrology 71395 71395 70 258
Invertebrata Collection of Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals
Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals 32236 0 1280 3075
Invertebrate Collection of Dept. of Ecology
University of Warsaw - Department of Ecology (National Node) 558 558 72 151
KTU Pinophyta
University of Silesia - Zakład Botaniki Systematycznej 1716 1715 25 87
KTU Pteridophyta
University of Silesia - Zakład Botaniki Systematycznej 2645 2643 32 72
Lichens of Biebrza National Park
University of Białystok - Institute of Biology 4094 4079 75 219
Lichens of Knyszyn Forest
University of Białystok - Institute of Biology 5969 5969 94 295
Lichens of North-Eastern Poland
University of Białystok - Institute of Biology 6202 5936 71 217
Longhorn and buprestid beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Buprestidae) of the forest-steppe “Bielinek” reserve and its surroundings
Forest Research Institute - European Centre for Natural Forests 367 367 56 102
Mammal Collection
Mammal Research Institute 123745 122827 102 212
Mammalia Collection of Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals
Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals 12995 0 171 355
Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera in Upper Silesian Museum entomological collection
Upper-Silesian Museum 1103 423 24 44
Mollusca Collection
Museum and Institute of Zoology 7830 0 105 239
National System of Protected Areas in Poland - Animals
Institute of Nature Conservation 6478 6478 332 568
National System of Protected Areas in Poland - Fungi
Institute of Nature Conservation 34 34 5 10
National System of Protected Areas in Poland - Plants
Institute of Nature Conservation 9814 9814 469 1053
Odonata Collection
Museum and Institute of Zoology 4303 0 258 764
Orchid Herbarium Collection
University of Gdańsk - Chair of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation 5443 367 107 781
Plant observations from Białowieża National Park
Białowieża National Park 1383 0 286 464
Platynotina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) collections on the World
Museum and Institute of Zoology 6197 2502 35 301
Polish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute 59828 16709 293 828
Polish seed gene bank – historical passport data of accessions
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute 8373 3526 57 214
Reptilia Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Museum and Institute of Zoology 420 0 81 134
Ringing Data from the Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
University of Gdańsk - Bird Migration Research Station 668252 668252 90 165
Saproxylic Beetles of the Tatra Mts.
University of Warsaw - Department of Ecology (National Node) 1728 1724 55 82
Seed collection – dead seeds for evaluation and observation purposes
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute 10205 0 841 3322
Shrews of Poland
Association for Nature WOLF 61 61 3 6
Small Mammal Research Database
University of Warsaw - Department of Ecology (National Node) 5733 5733 5 9
The atlas of breeding birds in Małopolska
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Environmental Sciences 8279 8279 113 198
The atlas of butterflies in Kraków
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Environmental Sciences 2546 2546 45 74
The Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Poland
Nicolaus Copernicus University - Institute of Ecology and Environment Protection 190956 190956 64 149
Type Specimen Database of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Museum and Institute of Zoology 2340 0 497 1154
Upper Silesian Museum, Bird Collection
Upper-Silesian Museum 678 0 70 115
Upper Silesian Museum, Bird Observations
Upper-Silesian Museum 6979 6979 110 203
Weevils of Poland
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 1421 1354 105 252
Weevils of the Carpathians
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 3201 1735 113 317
Weevils of the Tatra Mts.
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 8545 5786 75 200
Weevils of Wales and England
Jagiellonian University - Institute of Zoology 724 724 44 83


Institutions Data Nodes Collections Records Georeferenced Records Genera Species
20 25 92 1692837 1367463 8453 30855
Last updated: 2016-08-08 21:48:12